Reports are here!
iWalkObservation users will find a new navigation item on the left side navigation; REPORTS! Click to find three new reporting options in iWalkObservation.
School Overview reports on the number of observations, observers, and educators in your school or district account.
Individual Educator report will present an overview look at one educator. Email this information to yourself, the teacher, or another for coaching, mentoring, or evaluation purposes. The report will include links to every observation completed on that educator and included in your report search criteria.
Custom Look Fors report allows you to zero in on one look for list across all the observations completed using that look for list. An excellent measure for discovering the frequency the look for or set of look fors are being observed in your classrooms, your school, and your district.
Additional reports for Standards Over Time, Targeted Comments, and the Expanded Rubric tools are coming soon.