View dated updates in the Change Log
Data Visualizations
Excited to share new data visualizations now embedded in the iWalkObservation dashboard and reports.
Rubric Tools Report released!
Exciting updates include the release of the Rubric Tools Report.
Duplicate custom Look Fors and Rubrics
Customized look for lists and rubrics can now be duplicated.
Add comments to file attachments
Edit file names and add comments to your attached photos or documents from inside the observation panel.
Tool Configuration Updates
Thanks to user feedback and requests, four small but might updates have been released.
Custom Look Fors REDESIGNED!
iWalkObservation is very excited to announce a redesign to the Custom Look Fors tool that allows for unlimited categorized look for lists with optional targeted comment fields.
Reports are here!
Three new reporting features have been released. Run reports across your school or district for an overview, send individual educator reports, or run a report on a specific Look For list.
Shared Observations
An user option has been added on your user profile page that will allow you to set the default function for sharing an observation.